2023 - 2024
External Award
- Congratulations Prof Joan ZUO for receiving a Smart Living Partnership Award 2023-24 in Health Techonology for the roject of the Outstanding AI-empowered Toxicological Evaluation Platform for Generic Drugs. (June 2024)
- Congratulations Prof. Billy NG for receiving a Antiviral Drugs Research grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. (October 2023)
Food and Health Bureau (FHB) – Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF)
- Congratulations to Prof. Kenneth To for receiving a grant from the Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) for the project of “Beneficial and Safe Combination Osimertinib and Astragalus Membranaceus Polysaccharides (AMP) for Treating Non-small Cell Lung Cancer”. (2024)
Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG)
- Congratulations to Dr. Lipika CHATTERJEE for receiving a grant from the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) for the project of “Innovative Virtual Immersive Simulation to Enhance Pharmacy student’s Practical Lab Learning Experience: electronic Practical Simulator (e-PS) platform”. (2024-2025)
Teachers’ and Students’ Awards 傑出老師及獎學金獎 2023
- Our heartfelt congratulations to the prize & scholarship recipients of the BPharm & Postgraduate students for their distinguished academic performance and congratulations to Prof. Kenneth TO who has been awarded the Teachers of the Years Awards for 14 consecutive years!
2022 - 2023
External Award
- Congratulations Prof Joan ZUO for receiving a Dalton Horizon Award from Royal Scociety of Chemistry. (June 2023)
- Congratulations Prof. Billy NG for receiving a The Healthy Longevity Catalyst Awards (Hong Kong). (2022)
- Congratulations to Prof. Billy NG on being selected as one of the awardees of “Biomedicines Young Investigator Award” by Journal “Biomedicines”.(December 2022)
Teachers’ and Students’ Awards 傑出老師及獎學金獎 2022
- Our heartfelt congratulations to the prize & scholarship recipients of the BPharm & Postgraduate students for their distinguished academic performance and congratulations to Prof. Kenneth TO who has been awarded the Teachers of the Years Awards for 13 consecutive years!
2021 - 2022
Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Medicine (醫學院傑出學人)
- Congratulations to Prof Joan ZUO for being awarded the “Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Medicine”. (16 August 2022)
World Economic Forum (世界經濟論壇)
- Congratulations to Prof. Billy NG on being selected as one of the “2022 Class of Young Global Leaders (YGLs)” by World Economic Forum. Professor Ng is the only awardee from Hong Kong in the category of “Academia/Think-tank”.(21 April 2022)
AASP Appointment
- Congratulations to Prof Joyce YOU has been elected as a Member of Board of Director (BOD) of Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy (AASP) with tenure appointment for 2022 – 2025. (15 February 2022)
Health Research Symposium 2021 – Best Poster Award
- Congratulations to Prof. Joyce YOU for receiving the Health Research Symposium 2021 – Best Poster Award for the title of “EGFR mutation-guided first-line target therapies of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) – A health economic analysis”. (23 November 2021)
2021 AAPS Fellow
- Congratulations to Prof Joan ZUO, Director, School of Pharmacy, on being selected as Fellow of American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) for her research excellence and exceptional work in improving global health. (23 September 2021)
Food and Health Bureau (FHB) – Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF)
- Congratulations to Prof. Joan Zuo for receiving a grant from the Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) for the project of “Clinical Evaluations of CYP 450 Inhibition and Anticoagulation Biomarker Alteration by Radix Puerariae Lobatae (Gegen): Impact on Its Potential Herb-drug Interactions”. (2021 – 2024)
- Congratulations to Prof. Kenneth To for receiving a grant from the Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) for the project of “IRepositioning of Non-oncology Drugs with MET Inhibitory Effect to Tackle Osimertinib Resistance in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer”. (2021)
- Congratulations to Prof. Sharon Leung for receiving a grant from the Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) for the project of “Inhaled Endolysin Therapy against ‘Superbug’ Lung Infections”. (1 September 2021)
Academic Staff Promotion & Appointment
- We are thrilled to announce the appointment of our Professional Consultants,Dr. Teddy Lam as the Associate Director (Pharmacy Education) and Ms. Victoria Chan as the Experiential Learning Coordinator with effect from 1 August 2021 and 1 October 2021 respectively.
- Our warmest congratulations to Dr. Keary ZHOU on her promotion as Senior Lecturer in the School of Pharmacy with effect from 1 August 2021.
Teaching And Learning Innovation Expo 2021
- Congratulations to Dr. Teddy Lam for receiving the Teaching And Learning Innovation Expo 2021 – Poster Award – Educational Impact (Silver)for the title of “Inter-Rater Reliability on Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Assessment”. (30 July 2021)
Research Grants Council (RGC)
- Congratulations to Prof. Sharon Leung for receiving a grant from the Research Grants Council (RGC) – General Research Fund (GRF) for the project of “Bactericidal synergism of phage depolymerase and antibiotic combinations to treat experimental lung infection.” (2021 – 2024)
- Congratulations to Prof. Joan Zuo for receiving a grant from the Research Grants Council (RGC) – General Research Fund (GRF) for the project of “Development of piperine as a potent expanded CGG inhibitor for the treatment of Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndro.” (2021 – 2024)
- Congratulations to Prof. Yin-ting Cheung for receiving a grant from the Research Grants Council (RGC) – General Research Fund (GRF) for the project of “The Mechanistic Role of “premature Aging” in Cognitive and Behavioral Outcomes in Survivors Childhood Cancer.” (2021 – 2023)
- Congratulations to Prof. Yin-ting Cheung for receiving a grant from the Research Grants Council (RGC) – General Research Fund (GRF) for the project of “Neuroimaging, Cognitive and Life Functioning Outcomes in Patients with Hemophilia.” (2021 – 2022)
- Congratulations to Prof. Billy Ng for receiving a grant from the Research Grants Council (RGC) – Early Career Scheme (ECS) for the project of “Synthesis of pseudo-natural product analogues of bilobalide as cardioprotective agents.” (2021 – 2024)
- Congratulations to Prof. Xiaoyu Yan for receiving a grant from the Research Grants Council (RGC) – Early Career Scheme (ECS) for the project of “ A combination therapy to treat erythropoietin-resistant anemia in chronic kidney disease.” (2021 – 2022)
- Congratulations to Prof. Xiaoyu Yan for receiving a grant from the Research Grants Council (RGC) – ECS Grant / Award for the project of “A combination therapy to treat erythropoietin-resistant anemia in chronic kidney disease.” (2021 – 2022)
Innovation and Technology Commission
- Congratulations to Prof. Joan Zuo for receiving a grant from the Innovation and Technology Commission – Innovation and Technology Fund Research Talent Hub for the project of “Development of a Tablet-in-tablet Formulation System in Hong Kong for Treatment of Peptic Ulcer (PRP/025/19FX-PiH/036/21: Dr IP Chung-man)”. (2021 – 2022)
- Congratulations to Prof. Joan Zuo for receiving a grant from the Innovation and Technology Commission – Innovation and Technology Fund Research Talent Hub for the project of “Development of a Tablet-in-tablet Formulation System in Hong Kong for Treatment of Peptic Ulcer (PRP/025/19FX-PiH//372/20-Dr ZHAO Jiajia)”. (2021 – 2022)
- Congratulations to Prof. Xiaoyu Yan for receiving a grant from the Innovation and Technology Commission – Partnership Research Programme for the project of “A Technology Platform to Enhance Model-Informed Drug Development for Antibody-Based Therapeutics”. (1 June 2021 – 31 May 2023)
- Congratulations to Prof. Billy Ng for receiving a grant from the Innovation and Technology Commission – Midstream Research Programme for Universities (MRP) for the project of “Clearing The Way For Better Tissue Diagnostics – A Midstream Development Project On Accessible Three-Dimensional Histology Methods And Platform”. (2021 – 2023)
Teachers’ and Students’ Awards 傑出老師及獎學金獎 2021
- Our heartfelt congratulations to the prize & scholarship recipients of the BPharm & Postgraduate students for their distinguished academic performance and congratulations to Prof. Kenneth TO who has been awarded the Teachers of the Years Awards for 12 consecutive years!
- List of Scholarship and Prize Awardees (Pharmacy)
2019 - 2020
Academic Staff Promotion
- Our warmest congratulations to Prof. Joyce YOU on her promotion as Professor in the School of Pharmacy with effect from 1 August 2019 as well as her new position as Assistant Dean (Student Development) of the Faculty of Medicine with effect from 1 July 2019.
- Our warmest congratulations to Dr. Celeste EWIG on her promotion as Senior Lecturer in the School of Pharmacy with effect from 1 August 2020.
Teachers’ and Students’ Awards 傑出老師及獎學金獎 2020
- Our heartfelt congratulations to the prize & scholarship recipients of the BPharm & Postgraduate students for their distinguished academic performance and congratulations to Prof. Kenneth TO who has been awarded the Teachers of the Years Awards for 11 consecutive years!
- List of Scholarship and Prize Awardees (Pharmacy)
Faculty Innovation Award 2020
- Congratulations to Prof. Billy NG for receiving the Faculty Innovation Award for the project of “A chemical biology approach to probe protein glycosylation in cancer”.
Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant (CDGS)
- Congratulations to Dr. Lipika CHATTERJEE for receiving a grant from the Courseware Development Grant Scheme (CDGS) for the project of “Micromodules for Flipping and Gaming up Dosage Form Science courses: Application of pharmaceutical science concepts by Pharmacy students”. (2019-2022)
Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG)
- Congratulations to Dr. Celeste EWIG for receiving a grant from the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) for the project of “Developing Pharmacy Students’ Clinical and Critical Thinking: A Multi-modal Case-Based eLearning Approach”. (2019-2022)
- Congratulations to Dr. Teddy LAM for receiving a grant from the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) for the project of “A Recorded Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE): Mixed eLearning and Face-to-face Assessment”. (2019-2022)
- Congratulations to Dr. LEE Chui-ping for receiving a grant from the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) for the project of “Avoid Zone-out in Zoom-Enhancing Engagement and Global Perspectives via Homework and Case-based In-class Activity”. (2019-2022)
- Congratulations to Prof. Kenneth TO for receiving a grant from the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) for the project of “Using the Zoom Platform to Conduct Virtual Laboratory Class for a Pharmaceutical Chemistry Course”. (2019-2022)
Teachers’ and Students’ Awards Presentation Ceremony 傑出老師及獎學金頒獎典禮 2019
- The “Teachers’ and Students’ Awards Presentation Ceremony” organized by the Faculty of Medicine was held on 23 February 2019. Our heartfelt congratulations to the prize & scholarship recipients of the BPharm & Postgraduate students for their distinguished academic performance and congratulations to Prof. Kenneth TO who has been awarded the Teachers of the Years Awards for 10 consecutive years!
2017 - 2018
Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF)
- Congratulations to Prof. Sharon LEUNG for receiving a grant from the Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) Research Fellowship Scheme for the project of “Asthma Control in Paediatric Patients Using Mannitol Challenge Test-impact of Body Mass Index”.(2018-2019)
- Congratulations to Prof. CHEUNG Yin-ting for receiving a grant from the Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) Research Fellowship Scheme for the project of “Personalized Risk-based Care and Education for Early Survivors of Childhood Cancer in Hong Kong”.(2018-2019)
- Congratulations to Prof. Joyce YOU for receiving a grant from the Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) for the project of “EGFR Mutation-guided First-line Target Therapies of Advanced Non-small-cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) – A Health Economic Analysis”.(2018-2019)
- Congratulations to Prof. Vivian LEE for receiving a grant from the Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) for the project of “Impact of Pill-splitting Training on Drug Physiochemical Properties and Clinical Outcomes in Elderly Cardiac Population: A Crossover Cohort Study”.(2017)
USyd-CUHK Partnership Collaboration Awards (2018)
- Congratulations to Prof. Sharon LEUNG for receiving the USyd-CUHK Partnership Collaboration Awards for the project of “Inhaled Therapy for Chronic Lung Infections Using a ‘Triple-Hit’ Nano-in-Microparticle Formulation”.
MASCC Rehab, Survivorship QoL SG Successful Training Award – PRO (2018)
- Congratulations to Prof. CHEUNG Yin-ting for receiving the MASCC Rehab, Survivorship QoL SG Successful Training Award – PRO from The Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC).
The CUHK English Public Speaking Competition 2018
- Congratulations to our Year 2 pharmacy student, Marco HO, for winning the 1st runner-up in the CUHK English Public Speaking Competition 2018.
Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant
- Congratulations to Prof. Vivian LEE for receiving a grant from the Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant for the project of “Evaluating the impact of micro-modules in pharmacy education”.(2017-2018)
- Congratulations to Prof. Vivian LEE for receiving a grant from the Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant for the project of “Animated Clinical Cases and E-learning Scenarios for Students (ACCESS)”. (2017-2018)
- Congratulations to Dr. Justin TENNEY for receiving a grant from the Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant for the project of “Micro-Module Video Scenarios in Sensitive Communication Situations with Student Response Questions”. (2017-2018)
Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF)
- Congratulations to Prof. Vivian LEE for receiving a grant from the Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF) for the project of “BASIC (Broad Antimicrobial-resistance Service-learning & Intervention in the Community)”. (2018-2019)
Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF)
- Congratulations to Prof. Joan ZUO for receiving a grant from the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) – Innovation and Technology Support Programme for the project of “Development of an Optimization Platform for Bioequivalent Extended Release Dosage Forms”. (2017)
2015 - 2016
Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF)
- Congratulations to Prof. Kenneth TO for receiving a grant from the Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) for the project of “Repurposing of clinically approved drugs as autophagy modulators to overcome drug resistance to molecular targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) in treating lung cancer”.(2016)
- Congratulations to Prof. Joyce YOU for receiving a grant from the Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) for the project of “Potential cost-effectiveness of herpes zoster vaccination for older adults in Hong Kong”.(2016)
Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant
- Congratulations to Dr. Celeste EWIG for receiving a grant from the Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant for the project of “Micro-modules for Pharmaceutical Dispensing: A Bi-lingual Micro-Dose Delivery of Concepts involved in Dispensing Medications”. (2016-2017)
Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF)
- Congratulations to Prof. Vivian LEE for receiving a grant from the Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF) for the project of “Knowledge Transfer to Engage Secondary School Students for Healthy Living of Elders in Our Community”.(2016-2017)
Hong Kong Health Awards 2016 – “Leader of the Year” 香港健康產業大奬2016「領袖人物獎」
- Our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Abraham CHAN and Mr. Stephen LEUNG, the Advisory Board members of the CUHK School of Pharmacy, who have both received “Leader of the Year” award (領袖人物獎). The award has been presented at the Hong Kong Health Awards 2016 (香港健康產業大奬2016) in December 2016.
Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF)
- Congratulations to Prof. Joan ZUO for receiving a grant from the Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) for the project of “Impact of the Chinese herbal medicines on the combination therapy with clopidogrel and aspirin: pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics outcomes and related mechanisms in rats”. (2015)
- Congratulations to Prof. Joyce YOU for receiving a grant from the Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) for the project of “Electroacupuncture plus Standard Care for Managing Refractory Functional Dyspepsia: Pragmatic Randomized Trial with Economic Evaluation”. (2015-2018)
Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF)
- Congratulations to Prof. Vivian LEE for receiving a grant from the Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF) for the project of “Multidisciplinary team for Active and Healthy Ageing in elders of Rural Areas of Hong Kong”. (2015-2016)
Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF)
- Congratulations to Prof. Thomas LEE for receiving a grant from the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) for the project of “Orally-dissolving Films for Overcoming Biopharmaceutic Challenges of Drug Molecules”. (2015)
Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2015 (2015年度校長模範教學獎)
- Congratulations to Prof. Kenneth TO, who has been awarded the Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2015 (2015年度校長模範教學獎). The award has been presented at the 81st Congregation scheduled on November 17, 2016 at CUHK.
2013 - 2014
CUHK Young Scholars Thesis Awards 2014
- Congratulations to Dr. Sophia FONG for receiving the “CUHK Young Scholars Thesis Awards 2014” for the thesis Title of “Herb-drug Interactions between Scutellariae Radix and Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs: Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Impact”.
University Education Award 2014 (二零一四年度博文教學獎)
- Congratulations to Prof. Vivian LEE, who has been awarded the University Education Award 2014 (二零一四年度博文教學獎). The award has been presented at the 76th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees to be held on 20 November 2014 at CUHK.
The Great Eight – 2014 Annual Meeting Best Paper Presentations and Live Judging Competition
- Congratulations to Prof. Joyce YOU, who has been awarded the “The Great Eight – 2014 Annual Meeting Best Paper Presentations and Live Judging Competition” at the ACCP Annual Meeting.
The 2013 Top Downloaded and Top Cited Articles
- Congratulations to Prof. Albert CHOW and Prof. Larry BAUM who have been awarded “The 2013 Top Downloaded and Top Cited Articles” from Volume 15 of The AAPS Journal. (AAPS Newsmagazine, Volume 17, N06, P.21, Jun 2014)
2011 - 2012
Master Teachers 2011/2012
- Congratulations to Prof. Vivian LEE, who has been awarded the Master Teachers. The award has been presented at the Teachers’ and Students’ Awards Presentation Ceremony 2013 to be held on 8 February, 2013 at CUHK.